David is not allowed to own power tools…


I know, it’s sad but it’s true.


There he is, a grown man, just the wrong side of 30. Probably in the same way that Danny DeVito is just the wrong side of 6 foot. And he’s totally banned by his wife, from ever owning his own set of power tools.

And I’m not talking about anything really complicated here. Like maybe a mitre chop saw or a router (whatever one of those is). But just the sort of thing every self respecting bloke has around his house. A jigsaw or an electric drill for example.

Tradies who get called to David’s house to carry out even the simplest of tasks often look at him with a mixture of pity and contempt. He can see them thinking to themselves, “what kind of man doesn’t own machinery you can plug in and create lots of noise and mayhem with?”


It’s all too embarrassing for David…


But his wife maintains she has more than good reason for imposing this ban.

You see, David’s wife firmly believes that the addition of power to any kind of builder’s tools will simply multiply the amount of mess and destruction David is able to create around their home. Not to mention the risk of any injuries he may sustain.

All of that and all before that inevitable point at which he completely gives up on whatever it is he’s trying to do anyway.

Obviously, in his more self-deluding moments, David still thinks this is all nonsense. In fact, he believes it’s the lack of noisy and expensive tools which is actually preventing him from becoming the King of DIY.

But deep down David knows the truth…

Other than the links www.facebook.com/localadserv or www.localadserv.com.au, the only ‘Power Tool‘ he ever needs is my business card.


Handyman Assist Business Card for David


Call me 🙂


© Andy Robinson, Localad Services Handyman Assist

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