Remember me

Remember me

While sitting on my throne…   In the undisturbed sanctuary of our bathroom the other night. Because they can and very often do. Another new train of thought railroaded its way through my ever so, over-active mind… “How do you get to be memorable then?”, it...
Hold the Press!!

Hold the Press!!

Sundays… So the billboards and TV adverts would have us believe…   Just wouldn’t be Sundays without our Sunday newspapers.   Recently, in a typically less than daring experiment. Mainly brought on by a recent cost cutting exercise at a highly...
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na… Batman!

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na… Batman!

Batman was a 1960’s American live action television series.   It was roughly based on the DC comic book character of the same name. It starred two crime-fighting heroes (Batman and his sidekick, Robin) who defended an unruly place… Gotham City. The program...
The Emporer’s New Clothes

The Emporer’s New Clothes

Dear Psychiatrist…   Your name cropped up in the casualty department of our local hospital the other day. I was in there unblocking a clogged up washbowl, And I remembered that I hadn’t heard from you since my last letter,. So I thought I would drop you...
Noah’s Lark

Noah’s Lark

This is the story of one of history’s very special men…   And an almighty cock-up of almost biblical proportion.   But stick with it, there are always lessons to be learned.   The man involved was of course, as the title suggests Noah, the one we...
A Prediction for the Future

A Prediction for the Future

According to Greek mythology…   When Pandora’s husband Epimetheus opened her famous box.   He released into the world. All the evils, distempers, afflictions and bad vibes that have affected the human race ever since. It was from that moment said the...

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